According to section 5 of German Teleservices Act (Telemediengesetz TMG) we give following information:

Company name:

Glaudo-Systemböden GmbH
Martinstraße 103
47805 Krefeld

Business Managers:

Florian Glaudo

Stephan Glaudo

VAT ID Umsatzsteuer ID:
DE 350976934

Registered at local court in Krefeld,  Commercial Register HRB Nr. 18910

Tax Nr.: 117/5812/2911


Phone: +49 (0) 02151 93 66 217


Supervisory authority

Chamber of Crafts in Düsseldorf

Disclaimer of liability

Denial of liability

The contents of our internet appearance have been properly set up. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, the completeness and if the content is up-to-date.
As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages under the general laws according to section 7 paragraph 1 TMG. According to sections 8 to 10 TMG we are not obligated to monitor transmitted or stored information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.

Unaffected by this remains the obligation to remove or block the usage of information in accordance with general laws. However, in this regard any kind of liability is only possible from the point of knowledge of a ascertain infringement. If we become aware of legal violations on our website, we will immediately remove this content.

Disclaimer of liability for links

Our offer contains links that lead to websites of thirds on which we have no influence and cannot give any guarantees. The person responsible is the operator of each and every internet page. The linked pages were checked to possible infringements at the time of linking and on this point in time no infringement have been acknowledged. Whereas a permanent control of the linked sites is unreasonable without any ascertain indications of infringement. However, if we become aware of legal violations or infringements, we will immediately remove this link.


The contents and works on this website are subject to German copyright. In case of any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of usage of this material beyond the scope of the copyright law,  the prior written consent of its author or creator is required in writing. Downloads and copies of this page are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this page was not created by the operator, the copyright of third parties is respected. Nevertheless, if you might become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accordingly. However, if we become aware of legal violations or infringements, we will immediately remove the contents.

Data protection

In general, no data related to person is needed to use our website. In case any person related data is requested (for instance: name, address or e-mail address) this is only after your free will and on voluntary basis. Those data will not be transferred to third persons without your explicit consent. We would like to point out that transfer of data in the internet could lead to security gaps (e.g. with e-mail communication) and a complete protection is impossible.

We explicitly contradict any usage of data to third parties, gained within the framework of imprint obligation, who want to use these data in order to send unrequested advertising or information to us. The operator of this internet page expressively remains the right to take legal action against advertising mailing such as spam e-mails.

Google Analytics

This website uses Googe Analytics, an analysis service of Google Inc. (Google). Google Analytics uses so called “cookies”, text data that are saved on your computer which enable your usage of a website to be analysed. Information of your usage of this website (including your IP-address) created by cookies is transferred to and stored at a server located in the USA. Google uses this information to evaluate your usage of this website, to draw up reports of the website’s activities to provide them to the website operators in order to offer more service connected to internet usage. Google also provides the information to third parties as long as it is statutory required or as third parties are involved to deal with data on behalf of Google. In no case Google will connect your IP-address with other data of Google. You could avoid installing of cookies by adapting the appropriate adjustment in your browser software, in this case, we would like to point out that not all functions of this website could be used comprehensively. With using this website, you give your consent to the usage of your data by Google in the way and the purpose as described before.

Google AdSense

This website uses Googe AdSense, an advertising service of Google Inc. (Google). Google AdSense uses so called “cookies”, text data that are saved on your computer which enable your usage of a website to be analysed. To collect information Google AdSense also uses “WebBeacons” (small invisible graphics).  By using Web Beacons simple actions such as information about visitors of the website could be collected and stored. Information of your usage of this website (including your IP-address) created by cookies and/ or Web Beacons is transferred to and stored at a server located in the USA. Google uses this information to evaluate your usage of this website, to draw up reports of activities on the website to provide them to the website operators in order to offer more service connected to internet usage. Google also provides the information to third parties as long as it is statutory required or as third parties are involved to deal with data on behalf of Google. In no case Google will connect your IP-address with other data of Google.
You could avoid installing of cookies onto your hard drive by choosing “accept no cookies” in your browser software (with MS Internet Explorer at “Extra”> Internet options > Data Protection > Adjustment; with Firefox at “Extra > Adjustments > Data Protection > Cookies”).

In this case, we would like to point out that not all functions of this website could be used comprehensively. With using this website, you give your consent to the usage of your data by Google in the way and the purpose as described before.